Wednesday, January 29, 2020

the yes man

He asks, "Are you doing what you need to do?"

"The sleep?"

"Yes. Those commitments you made, are you still committed?"

"Yes. I have to. I finished work at 10:30 last night, but I did my hill this morning and got in a little late at 8:00. Then I went straight to work and had plenty of ideas on how to solve the day before's problems. This is for me. Not you."

"I'm proud of you. Good job."

"But if I look at you on Friday and say I'm out the door off to Perdido, that's when you say."

He cuts me off which he is prone to do. "Ms. Goff, have you ever heard of Isaac Hayes?"

"I've heard the name. Jazz?"

He shakes his head.


"R&B. Old soul. It's good stuff."

Today I am grateful for a teacher who will make me write the same sentence over and over until he doesn't even have to ask anymore.

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