Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Image from Pankaj Vij's Turbo Metabolism

I think I said this at this time last year.  I say it when we go backpacking. I know I have felt that so much of the key to more effectively coping is finding a way to bring those things that I learn time and time again when I take time to focus on my health. Eight days and what matters is how I feel about myself and the people around me.

Strangely enough controlling my stress means less control in relationships.

Today I am grateful for all the people of 2019.

Monday, December 30, 2019

the annual cleanup of the clearing

Today I am grateful that we have the ant story, that she taught me how to mop causing only mild disappointment when she explained it was a dance, and that I did the hill and it was okay to be late.

On the sixth day I realized I had not consumed any caffeine in two days. Before doing this the worst headache I ever had was caffeine withdrawals. Yesterday was the easiest of all the days.

Except for the ants, but we got to laugh and there has to be some type of cardiovascular benefit to that.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

when other people really write

The Miseducation of the American Boy by Peggy Orenstein is a good read on the subject of boyhood, manhood, daddies, mamas, teachers, coaches, preachers, and jokesters everywhere. It definitely makes me look at myself and how I could have done better.

He says, "We have to do better."

Today I am grateful to still have a chance to do better.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

reading kindly

Though it claims to be in it's 13th year, and I have no claims against it, I would like to go ahead and mention that it may be my favorite read this year. I'm grateful I found it or it found me or however things turn us into readers.

The top reading website for 2019 as claimed by the least read website is...

drumroll, please...

Brain Pickings.

genetics: get out there and explore. find a creek. listen. you need it.

I come home and cheat, the rest of the rotisserie chicken with ranch and A1, and I eat blindly only lit by the screen while I am editing photos. I'm giving myself a treat though I already did something wrong. I took grapes to a game, pulled them out and offered them to the people around me. It was after 5:00; they are a high sugar fruit. Only one lady took one. I had to eat the rest. 7 huge grapes.

The drive home and 1/3 of a bird.

It was the salt. I wanted the salt. So I cheated and took it. More up and downs today. Look sternly at myself in the mirror. Point at that face. Shake the finger and understand it's the removal of salt and the stress of leaving the house, but he said, "Have fun," and I was determined to. Plus, it was the kids. I got to see the kids.

And I got to tell you that you're okay and realize you probably don't believe me.
I have very little credibility. We'll get through this.

Today I am grateful for a kid, kids, the agreement we all have that nobody is without struggle, that perfect ain't ever gonna happen, and that at the end of the day, any of them, we are just here and there doing the best we can.

Friday, December 27, 2019

listen. control your breathing.

Listen to the aches and pains, he writes. Your body speaks to you.
Yes, it is very clear.

2 Aleve

Yesterday my body revolted in a manner that was so violent and anxiety ridden and there's nothing sexy about it. A sugar addiction into no sugar has what some may call a diabetic addiction or metabolic disorder to say the least, but in my words - medical necessity.  Save me, Aleve.

It did, and now it's clear. There is the rebellion of give me what you've been giving me.

And then my don't want to say it answer, "Ten up and downs. The first five are go hard. Go hard, give it all you got. The next three is I didn't even know she could do that. And the last two - that's when you can slow it down and claim it as yours."

She does. We all do. Claim it as ours.
But her. She ran those last two, as hard as she would run any others.

Today I am grateful for a hill that can feel like a mountain and a suggestion from a friend.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


We have it, footage of the kill.
Scary, she says.
Very cool, he replies.
And I do. I call her a murderer as I smile.
But she's not putting up with me.
She pretends to use the carcass as a punching bag.
Then asks me if I want it.
Yes. I've been begging for this.

Today I am grateful for the kill and the bounty which will feed us at breakfast and make some chili.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

drink your water decorations

There are no bells ringing, only words in a book and that old feeling of take it slow, one day at a time, it will get better. Pankaj Vij is not as good as the last guy but it's all the same with a few extras so here we go. No, I go down a dark path of one quart of water, no ice before anything else this morning.

Wildly Important Goal: Be physically better two months from now on my 50th.
How will I measure?

Today I am grateful for tap water without ice, a quart jar in deep contrast.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

last party of the season

It is pleasant, and this is where we needed to land. Everyone needed a soft place.

Today I am grateful for two young women who said they're willing.

Monday, December 23, 2019

tis the season

Today I am grateful for Jonathan.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

500 piece puzzle, day one

Everyone needs a Lenny Bruce in their life. You know them when you see them.

Today I am grateful for a ride to the grocery for his birthday. I am grateful to see her, to laugh with her, to hug her mama, and play with my grandchild. I am grateful he already had plans, and I got to have none because Lenny knows that life is sometimes better when you just allow it to happen.

"Trust the process," he says.

I am grateful for Lenny.


He burned the pizza.
I ordered the book.

Today I am already grateful for the day I will see him again.

Friday, December 20, 2019

scorched earth

Of all the diseases of the mind the one of insatiable need can leave a person reeling, and the expectations - well, no one can fill them. So that's why you have to be alone. Silent.

Except for this writing.

Today I am grateful for a couple of weeks.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

afternoon coffee

It's the most proper I am all week.

Today I am grateful for a shiny wood floor, a chair I can pull my feet into, the cups we drink from, and time with her.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


It's midweek of the last week and the slowest day.

"Innovative," he says.

Today I am grateful for leadership.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Today I am grateful that the house stood, the roof held, and we were spared.

Monday, December 16, 2019

resolution one

I will call it a deprivation of the sensory type, and it's presence will ensure that the following interaction will thrill, excite, leave in it's wake a heart filled with gratitude. And every day I will say thank you for that and wear the butterfly purse to remind me of my effect.

Today I am grateful for a job.

Sunday, December 15, 2019


The year we ignored Granny's heart attack she turned eighty-six, kissed Santa, and asked if he was married.

Today I am grateful for babies dressed up as trees, for glasses with eyelashes, bells for hands, and Santa walking through the door. And food.

Dear, sweet, baby Jesus, Happy Birthday, pass the dressing.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

a little peace

I call to say thank you for the week, and he says, "You're welcome."
Can he hear me smile through the phone?
"6%," he says.
"3," I tell him.

Today I am grateful for a Christmas tree that I can singlehandedly take from a closet to the top of a cabinet, a gift from my mama. I am grateful for four gifts under the tree, three wrapped by someone else, one still needing to be wrapped by me.

Friday, December 13, 2019


There was that part which said he doesn't know what you're asking.
Then another part that was hoping he did.
The part saying go, you knew it was right in the direction of where you would but shouldn't.
So you don't.

It's Friday, and there's music, plans, and gratitude.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

tis the season

Today I am grateful for logic and how it's coming this weekend.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Today I am grateful for a dancing baby, the shine of brass, and sitting on the carpeted floor of a fancy office.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

once here

"Choose wisely and treat nicely," mama tells her.

Today I am grateful for conversations.

Monday, December 9, 2019

what got you here

He asks, "Why do you need yesterdays?"

"Because yesterday we got to pull a car over in the dark on a major highway and change a tire and I was so proud of how that young woman handled herself to the point when she was taking off that lug nut she said in a matter of fact way, 'I don't need no man.'"

"So that's what you are teaching her? Double negatives, and she shouldn't like men?"

"No. I talk about love and how completely frustrating men and life can be, but I never say you might not want their opinion. You have to consider your important things. The big rocks. And yes on the double negatives."

He laughs.

"Today's list includes getting that tire looked at. Plus, she's already committed to driving me from the nursing home to the physical therapist though she was heard saying, 'Physical therapist? Whatever. We're going to have to worry about your bed sores.'"

I love her.

Today I am grateful for that kid and a kid brother.
I do have to work towards a goal.
Problem solve to a solution in my life.

It's good to sometimes think about what got us here because what will get us to where we are going is at least partly paved with the gratitude we give for it.


She says, "You do it every time. It's what you expect from people. You build them up in your own mind to the point they couldn't even if they tried. "

He says, "You wish they would try."

I laugh before I respond, "I'm sorry for how I have hurt you. That was not my intention, but I have learned my lesson. You never have to say anything else but good morning and I love you to me ever again. I can do the same."

Sunday, December 8, 2019

be particular

It's a particular person to a particular group. They sit out in the coldest of weather and the darkest of times to watch what until last week could be a grueling eighty minutes with only one break when I finally met them, those particular people who fall in love with a group of kids and weather whatever to cheer them.

Today I am grateful for what Mr. Hardy Turner told the then young Othar Turner.

"Take care of yourself, be particular, tend to your business, just let the other fellow's alone. It takes you twelve months to tend to yours. Son, be good. Be careful. Be mindful of how you treat people. Treat people like you wish to be treated, and you're successful."

Saturday, December 7, 2019

the want to

It's that one thing you suspect may be at the root of all happenings, every last one of them.

Today I am grateful for rest, a clean home, music to fill it, and groceries.

Friday, December 6, 2019

on death or it's Friday

The only way to start today is to give up thinking everyone is going to get everything they think they need. It'll be okay. We'll all make it or not. I could have a heart attack.

Just know this:
I died grateful.

Today I am grateful for opportunity to do what I consider my best and to even fail that at times.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

another day, another thank you

Today I am grateful for a phone call, a laugh, a nap.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

no problem

Today I am grateful for what a nice guy he was, potato soup, seven hugs, and healing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

seeking solution

I want to. I may do it. If I only have five months, then why not just ask how do I empower you.

Today I am grateful for honest questions when I am at a loss of what to ask or do.

Monday, December 2, 2019

another bird

Return music.


Anyone that swam that creek knew that the only way to get in the water was to jump.

Today I am grateful for lessons I learned from being raised near a creek.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

work eve

Have you ever felt like you should have been working when you weren't working?

Today I am grateful for one more day of feeling that way.