Tuesday, January 7, 2020

people who are famous

I want to write like she tells the story. That he was this little kid who wanted a bike for his birthday, but not just any bike. He saw it as he walked by the storefront window day after day. When his mom asked and all they had was a little more than nothing, his mom smiled. He thought she remembered, and on that morning he just knew he had that bike.

But no.
No bike.

It's her pauses. The guitar flashing on the screen behind her.
It's the music. It's a light show.

It's the text she wrote.

"I am whooped," she says.

"Girl, you amaze me."

Day 13 of whatever this new life you're living is different. It's a different environment. You have to take your food on the road, find nice places to eat, have conversations, but at least three of those are while walking, and they are good and though the sleep seems to be the last thing that for whatever reason you're fighting and not just allowing to happen...

It'll come tonight.

Today I am grateful for her.

1 comment:

Shea Goff said...
