Saturday, January 18, 2020


She reminds me about the vitamin D. Do I think adding 2,000 IU or 50 mcg which is 250% of daily value of a powdered then capsuled vitamin that my body can only process with sunlight, is that right?

Math and science do come back to haunt you.

Anyway, do I think that it is the reason I am feeling better, healthier. My legs and core feel strong from the hill, but I must start working on my arms. I started taking that supplement January of 2019, a whole year of what could have been a building block maybe. Quitting smoking and going hiking with my kid was lifesaving, no doubt. But a personal trainer firing me so that I could watch and photograph him loving to be outside and active was truly an inspiration to buy Vij's book, to stop trying to be better.

"Yes! Be great!" He told me.

My goal is to be off the blood pressure medication by the time my prescription runs out. We'll see, but today I'll start recording my "control your breathing" in a notebook for a future visit to my nurse practitioner.

Today I am grateful that my distraction was always telling me to get focused.

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