Wednesday, January 15, 2020

late night, late morning

Today I am grateful for sleep and the thought that it may be okay to wake up late on a Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Let's not let sleep interfere with the Blog, you got people's depending on you. This might be all some of us have left to get our day going, except coffee maybe.

Shea Goff said...

It's funny when you commit to sleep. There's that little voice in the back of your head who says, "Don't attempt to wage war with sleep. You can't force it. You're gonna lose your mind trying."

But Vij says, "Go ahead and do it. Ritual - warm shower, completely darkened room, and your bed." Though I still have not made it to the bed but for one or two nights, my sleep are not fighting anymore. I'm loving it.

But it's also nice to be missed, too. Thank you for your encouragement.

Shea Goff said...

*my sleep and I

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are not perfect, even though I see you to be.