Sunday, January 12, 2020

sharpen your saw, he says

There's video not of hiking in the rain. That was one of those backstories . The video is sped up from almost two hours to eleven minutes of a beautiful southern storm when rain and wind and light and dark and sound and music condensed to poof. gone.

He texts, "Did the house land right side up?"

Today I am grateful that the house didn't fly, and the wind here was nice, though it did knock over a porch broom that I still haven't picked up. I am grateful for the hike, mud puddles, and queens. And Matt of whoisMatt Johnson. I am grateful for his tutorial on 4K settings.

Day 18 was the easiest. Relaxed. Two nights of excellent sleep, still not all the way through the night but I only got up once to pee. So yeah, 5 miles of hiking, only cheating with those three items I call essentials and being outside.

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