Friday, January 3, 2020

I wish I told him

"I've been painting all day."

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

Today I am grateful for solutions.
I knew something good was coming, but I didn't know it would be this.
It's like she's always said, "6 months from now this is nothing but the greatness which came from it."

Dear me,
All the stories you make up in your head, give three to this one.
Talk it out with the most brilliant people you know.

Day 11: I did ten up and downs before even beginning spending an entire day (only 8 hours) slathering a gallon of agreeable grey on plaster (and carpet and beautiful stained wood and don't they make something to get that off). Is painting isometric exercise? Does isometric exercise mean you're sore afterwards?

Improvement needed:
Wash that towel and clean that bathroom. You left a mess.
And the sleep thing is not working.
It and Ranch serve as my Achilles heel.

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