Monday, December 9, 2019

what got you here

He asks, "Why do you need yesterdays?"

"Because yesterday we got to pull a car over in the dark on a major highway and change a tire and I was so proud of how that young woman handled herself to the point when she was taking off that lug nut she said in a matter of fact way, 'I don't need no man.'"

"So that's what you are teaching her? Double negatives, and she shouldn't like men?"

"No. I talk about love and how completely frustrating men and life can be, but I never say you might not want their opinion. You have to consider your important things. The big rocks. And yes on the double negatives."

He laughs.

"Today's list includes getting that tire looked at. Plus, she's already committed to driving me from the nursing home to the physical therapist though she was heard saying, 'Physical therapist? Whatever. We're going to have to worry about your bed sores.'"

I love her.

Today I am grateful for that kid and a kid brother.
I do have to work towards a goal.
Problem solve to a solution in my life.

It's good to sometimes think about what got us here because what will get us to where we are going is at least partly paved with the gratitude we give for it.


She says, "You do it every time. It's what you expect from people. You build them up in your own mind to the point they couldn't even if they tried. "

He says, "You wish they would try."

I laugh before I respond, "I'm sorry for how I have hurt you. That was not my intention, but I have learned my lesson. You never have to say anything else but good morning and I love you to me ever again. I can do the same."

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