Tuesday, December 10, 2019

once here

"Choose wisely and treat nicely," mama tells her.

Today I am grateful for conversations.


Anonymous said...

Noticed the new "do" one evening last week. Never been a fan of short hair on a woman, always favored the long brown variety. That would be anything from dirty blonde to jet black around nipple length. Would be willing to step over a blonde or red head for one of the above, but never had the opportunity. After looking while you wasn't tonight, I came to the conclusion that a short "do" is just as effective. Maybe it ain't the hair, maybe it's just you. But the short "do" looks good on you. Good night, rest well.

Shea Goff said...

You're kind to say. I was just tired of it, wasn't seeing any time I could stop and get a cut. Until I went to the beach and forced the girls to stick around while I got what the girl who opened the shop called, "A pixie cut." Sure, I thought. Why not? The holidays will find me in a buff, I'm sure. Not attractive but so, so easy.

Thank you for the compliment. I hope you have a nice day.