Sunday, December 8, 2019

be particular

It's a particular person to a particular group. They sit out in the coldest of weather and the darkest of times to watch what until last week could be a grueling eighty minutes with only one break when I finally met them, those particular people who fall in love with a group of kids and weather whatever to cheer them.

Today I am grateful for what Mr. Hardy Turner told the then young Othar Turner.

"Take care of yourself, be particular, tend to your business, just let the other fellow's alone. It takes you twelve months to tend to yours. Son, be good. Be careful. Be mindful of how you treat people. Treat people like you wish to be treated, and you're successful."


Anonymous said...

Shea Goff said...

Anonymous said...

Good read,reminds me of the first half of my life. Except for the musical talent, broken home and heroin. So I guess the similarity wood just be beer, pot and one of the blow jobs. I'm not sure which blow job though, it's been a long time and there was a lot of beer and pot. Almost forgot, I didn't harm any animals, maybe a person or three though.

Shea Goff said...

Thanks for pointing me in the direction. It's good to share a good read with someone willing to say more than good morning and I love you. You know I am grateful for that.

Anonymous said...

Good morning and love did cross my mind, but all that reading messed up my train of thought. Can't believe this smart phone let me misspell would.