Friday, December 27, 2019

listen. control your breathing.

Listen to the aches and pains, he writes. Your body speaks to you.
Yes, it is very clear.

2 Aleve

Yesterday my body revolted in a manner that was so violent and anxiety ridden and there's nothing sexy about it. A sugar addiction into no sugar has what some may call a diabetic addiction or metabolic disorder to say the least, but in my words - medical necessity.  Save me, Aleve.

It did, and now it's clear. There is the rebellion of give me what you've been giving me.

And then my don't want to say it answer, "Ten up and downs. The first five are go hard. Go hard, give it all you got. The next three is I didn't even know she could do that. And the last two - that's when you can slow it down and claim it as yours."

She does. We all do. Claim it as ours.
But her. She ran those last two, as hard as she would run any others.

Today I am grateful for a hill that can feel like a mountain and a suggestion from a friend.

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