Monday, December 30, 2019

the annual cleanup of the clearing

Today I am grateful that we have the ant story, that she taught me how to mop causing only mild disappointment when she explained it was a dance, and that I did the hill and it was okay to be late.

On the sixth day I realized I had not consumed any caffeine in two days. Before doing this the worst headache I ever had was caffeine withdrawals. Yesterday was the easiest of all the days.

Except for the ants, but we got to laugh and there has to be some type of cardiovascular benefit to that.


Anonymous said...

Don't tell me caffeine is bad for us, people will suffer if I have have to decaffeinate. Guess I got 2 addictions, huh?

Shea Goff said...

Salt, sugar, caffeine, and I could tell when you wrote "from my recliner" that you'd fight for her, too. I feel the same way about my couch. At least I don't have to give her up. I think I may have a cup of coffee this morning. Happy New Year's Eve!

Anonymous said...

Fighting days are gone, maybe a brief tussle though.