Saturday, April 28, 2018

there's a science to walking through windows

My relationship with things in the form of what do you give yourself to outside of work. More work but what is this work and the test of something in this stage of still possibly nothing is we have a choice or I have a choice and you. what would you do?

1. Quit. This can one of those remember when I was crazy and we planned this whole thing or at least the beginning of it.

2. Ask. Do you guys want to do this? How stupid am I to dream up something I'm not all that good at?

3. But. Can't we do anything? Isn't that what we said?

4. Can I get good at video? There has to be a test Sunday afternoon.

5. Schedule the video.

6. Create it.

7. Edit it.

8. Babysit.

9. Find a cake. Make it. Deliver.

10. Video, first draft due 7:00 p.m. Sunday night.

Today I am grateful for a list and a new kinda to me couch and music.

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