Wednesday, April 4, 2018

notes, playlist, he retired

Should you send the next email?

The last had a subject of sign and had the following letters put together to form words connected by dots and curves and lines of this could be amazing,

It read Como Opera Guild and whatever else I don't remember now but I am wondering if there is an old sign somewhere laying in a pile or hanging on someone's wall. Part of me would love to find it, place it somewhere near the music, but another part of me is okay if I don't. Though I say I am a writer, I don't even care to know the story of how a little rural Mississippi town came to claim an opera guild. It's just that I remember reading it as I drove by and thinking, "What?" Twenty years later I am less interested in the answer as I am exploring the question.

Do you need a free getaway to go and explore on your own before November? I want you to see this place. No obligation.

I say give him another twenty-four hours before the next assault. No email this morning. His only obligation is to give a one word answer no matter what that answer may be.

This morning's music is to that one guy who retired in December of 2016 and that old mercantile store was built for him way before I was born.

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