Thursday, November 5, 2020

you build me

 It just feels so tired - this season, this time in our lives. And yes, the complaining. It's like I tell people who back away, "Just imagine. I have me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You get to walk away."

They laugh.

But I'm serious.

Today I am grateful for a creator studio, for another's perspective on a build, good looking broccoli, celery washed and cut, green peppers, red peppers, grapes, both black and red, chicken thighs, limes, cucumbers, lemons and an embarrassing bowl of homemade Ranch.


Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of most everything, if I didn't have dependents so dependent I would like try living off the grid. Maybe the mountains, maybe a river swamp or maybe a tropical island. Don't get me wrong, I'm a dependent dependent also. The older I get the less I think it would take. I might could make it with less people, less "stuff" would probably be the challenge.

Anonymous said...