Monday, November 9, 2020

22 miles in 6.5 hours

 Right. Conversation. Let's do it. That was the loveliest musical representation of her writing that I've ever heard, but then I just did see her work for the first time yesterday. And I thought of you and the nature of beginning and how no matter what is happening anywhere else on earth, today we get to serve.

Those trees, yes. That mountain, those last two miles. I suck as a human.

Today I am grateful for my right toe which has admittedly taken some neglect, a definite struggle which dares to show me who I am, and time to understand the jerk I can be.

At the risk of repeating the same song.


Anonymous said...

I love repeats, music that is. I probably have you beat on the jerkness, but I am a little blinded by your awesomeness. A string, is what I feel holding me together at times, maybe even a thread.

Anonymous said...

Listened to this 5 times today, Phoebe blows it outta the water. I like it when the dude does a double take through the window.