Wednesday, April 29, 2020

milk, money and photos

It's the video at the end of the day an hour after I've fallen asleep.
Sid is dancing. Well, clogging.
I tell her mama, "She has the heart of a country cousin clogger. I might not be able to keep up."

Another rain and he said something about the Information Age and our blip on the screen.
He's driving a tractor and waves. I hope he smiled, too.

She gets some turchickens or turkey-chicken hybrids, turns over a five gallon bucket and sits to stare at them in the pen.

I run around like insanity after Kobe Bryant has given me the mathematics of greatness.
I fail greatly but vow to do better today.

Today I am grateful to hit the word and the hill. I need to walk in the rain.
It's cleansing and means I'm serious about training.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He smiled, big. Probably because of the butterflies that tickles his innards everytime he sees her. Especially when she waves.