Wednesday, April 1, 2020

I love your brain (in response and then some)

First your words "if you're responding to me, if not."
Then Adele's Cold Shoulder.

I tell her, "I'm sad. I was in the same room with him today, and he wouldn't even look at me and I couldn't imagine what I did to him. I mean I just don't understand why."

"It's not about you. It's him," she seems certain.

Pearl Jam's Come then Goes to a video showing where Vedder's voice echoes best.
One moment I spend complaining is a moment I'm missing all the grace and love and beauty around me. I know you know what I'm talking about, and I'm glad you came here with something to say yesterday. I had started listening to the crickets and reminding myself of how fortunate I am for the ability to hear.

Then Five Finger Death Punch, you beautiful, beautiful I love you and am so grateful that you're here.

Last night I was in a meeting and someone passed me a song. I'm going to listen to it for the first time now.

Today I am grateful for you, a bus ride and countryside, fire stations and kids' faces, and two women who put on costumes and perform.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get it, April fools. Good one.