Tuesday, April 14, 2020

five point two miles

Forty hills, the girls and I agree, have never been attempted before. It was, in fact, the first time anyone at any of our ages had ever even considered the 40 climbs up that hill and back.

History was being made in the form of we needed a baseline time and that time, I hoped, would be one minute. It wasn't. The official baseline times in the history of the world right there were as follows:

The girl who is our lead steer and trains the best of runners because she is the best
got a 1 hour 11 minutes.

I was 15 minutes behind her at 1 hour and 26.

But the other one came in telling us she wasn't going to do all 40. She would do 20, and ended up at about hill 12 saying, "I'll do 19."

That's when the lead steer told her, "No. You'll do 21."

The other one did all 40 in 1 hour and 51 minutes.
I told her people that I ain't ever seen anything like her. Olympics, that one.

Today I am grateful to have people who set the pace and inspire.

"Aunt Shea."
"You know what my teacher told me?"
"We were taking this test and she told us that we weren't competing against anyone else in the room. Do you know who she told us we were competing against?"
"No. Who?"

Olympics, that one.

Thankful for your response.

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