Sunday, April 12, 2020

I now pronounce you partner in this blog, official contract writing

It's not my blog. It's ours, I think. And this new way of commenting is not my idea or doings. I just can't seem to undo it and I've thought to contact google and say, "Hey, all of my google identities have meshed into a system controlled by the company I work for and the company I work for is the government. So there's that.

And also you're spoiling me by providing me with writing prompts.

Like this. You are kind and brilliant and that is a gorgeous way to tell a beautiful story.
This came next. Then the beginning. The blues. You would love Como.


I just nodded through that last one.

Happiness is only real when shared is what Krakauer said McCandless wrote in the end.

Today I am grateful that this is not just my blog. Surely it's ours.

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