Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The nine year old girl did her reading project on The Value of Believing in Yourself

I found $5 in my house in a bowl of receipts that I put on my desk in order to clean and organize but walked and worked around it for a day as if it was a chore coming and Sunday was rest. So, yesterday I cleaned off my desk as a present to myself.

Your desk is clean! Happy Birthday! My promise to you is that by age 51 the desktop to your laptop will be cleaned/organized or maybe, maybe on your birthday weekend.

Today I am grateful for the wood, the iron legs, the drawers. I am grateful for this year's stack of books and that little girl's reading project. I am grateful to go and see the doctor. I am grateful for a cup of coffee and four days of blood pressure checks which lead me to know I can do this.

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