Sunday, February 23, 2020


I can no longer comment in my comment section because all of my gmails: work, life, company, why is that even there have formed together to parent me. I guess. I don't know. My kid could probably figure it out.

Hey! My kid could figure it out. Put it on the list.

Anyway, until then I have to respond to your comment and the video shot by Aisha Tyler. Nice. A perfect ending to a perfectly nice day with a five mile hike resulting in a lovely nap which lasted until the ache in those muscles right below the gluteus maximus at the top of the back of my leg woke me. It does feel good to feel muscles and bones again. I forgot what that was like. Thank you for the music. It made the day just that much nicer.

Lifestyle change update. I'm not going to cheat other than, you know, ranch dressing, hot sauce, mayonnaise, Country Bob's, and A1. It's like that Leon Bridges song. That burger would be excellent, I'm sure, but I'm feeling really good these days and there is a seafood linguine created by a man under a bridge along an intercostal waterway that kinda feels like he knows what's best for me who makes me hold out for more.

No birthday Bubba's bacon cheeseburger. I'm going to hold out what I've been doing the last 59 days for another three weeks.

I am grateful for your comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lost most of my bets, life's about chances. Gonna keep placing my bets.