Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hokies & 49ers

Two men both wearing baseball caps walk toward me on the opposite side of the pavement. The weather allows the privacy of those serious about the prospect of walking for what one lady has already described with exclamation points, "Invigorating."

"Yes," I smiled the same goofy, happy to be alive grin that these two guys are getting but to them I say, "Roll tide."

The one with the familiar A on his cap has brightened up like that a million times before he does it for me and then side eyes his friend who slows his pace to put his hands at his waste as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

I saved it for you is what I wanted to say but instead I hope to make his day with, "Go, Hokies," because of that V and that T on his head.

And there it is, the smile of a Hokie.

"Okay. But who you going for tonight? Kansas City?'

I laugh, "No. No way."

"Awe now."

"Nope. Went to the same high school as a 49er."

"There's thousands of those. What about the Kansas City quarterback?"

"Nope. 49ers."

Today I am also grateful for a football game.

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