Tuesday, January 15, 2019

he took a pill in Ibiza but he said live like you are dying

What if you don't have anything else on your list?
If that's the case, then you may be just trying to see what life teaches you.

Life answered a question Sunday, and I was surprised at how okay I was with that.
It's not that I'm done. It's that I do understand how amazing life is.

This is unusual music for me, but I like it. I came close to dying when I was 28. Would not have even known it. It would have been an okay death for me, but not for the guy who killed me. He was a drunk driver, and I felt sorry for him. My brother says he is the one who called for help. I hate that he had to teach me that I had too much to lose. So I thought that I didn't tell God thank you enough. I just started saying it for everything.

I'm breathing. You're breathing. If we're not healthy maybe we're getting that way. And if we're not, then I have to know that I don't understand other than we age as we become less and more. Some of us don't even get that chance. Life gets too complicated if I don't understand that we are all just doing the best we can.

Today I am grateful for a hospital bed in that bedroom, that people had enough sense to put my hip back together, and that first night (may I never forget) when I said thank you for the people who lived through it. And my mother. Good gosh we won't even go there.


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it, glad you are here. I have this ultra long and confusing comment to make about this, maybe one day I can just tell you, glad you made it.

Unknown said...

Ultra long and confusing comments are my favorite.