Thursday, December 6, 2018

no more trivia night

This is not where I want to be. Here in a booth on Trivia Night with a strained muscle in my ass from the gymnastics I tried earlier today. This bar, the other one, the coffee, the cake, the beer with the bite until about three sips in. This is not where I want to be.

So why am I here?

I say it's because of her. What would she do if I said no? Sometimes I try, but arguing is our thing and she likes wings.

So I guess this place is okay. Our Wednesday afternoon thing, but don't we need to be hiking and trying out foods for a five-day, eighty mile, fifteen thousand calories, and a cold you may not understand scenario?

She could do that one afternoon a week and weekends and I am grateful she's going to a cardiologist today. I am also grateful to know that she is mentally ill. Her heart is just fine.

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