Sunday, December 16, 2018

Young Woman You Amaze Me at Berry's in Magee

There was that drive to see that girl, oops excuse me, college graduate teacher and her mom and her husband and dad and brother and sister in law and grandpa and cousin and friends.

And the food.
And you know what?

This has to be the reason I walk.

I walk for a woman who wears a hat to dinner, who makes me laugh every time I see a picture of her, a kid with whom I share Cool Hand Luke stories and who makes my car's voice come from the steering wheel, and people are everywhere I look and listen. Photographs can be treasures. What an awesome place this is.

What a gift are people.

I am grateful for teachers and women and men and a dinner of a buffet which will make you sit till it settles. She graduated college but I told her that I'm just glad she found us another reason to come here.

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