Wednesday, September 12, 2018

his long, boring story of name dropping royal treatment

I didn't know but I knew I needed to live till you got here. So I distracted myself with work which was not really work but all about you and this weekend. Should I get groceries? Do I have to stop? Would you even come and let me fix you a meal? It's crazy but yes, I would do everything. Anything. I think I said.

Anyway, I couldn't die before the weekend, and the world all of a sudden got real dangerous because I couldn't remember how to get to where I was going. At one point I joked that I had fallen into the hands of a killer. I thought, he would smile if he heard this. 

Subjectively it is fresh fallen love, the kind I fall in love with and part of my latest review. I think I got one out of five from that guy and I deserved it. But it was never fresh fallen. There was only one other fresh fallen one and he too had lived in Virginia. Nonetheless, all seem to end.

I've already decided I would suffer our ending just to feel our beginning, by the way.
(someone will have to remind me of this when I cry)

You really are amazing but I am not going to put mister in front of that.
Okay maybe I will if you make me.

The killer told me to follow him but there was never an opening to the field. Exercise is real. Especially when you don't mean to until he mentions having to go through the woods, and I said out loud to him, "Hey, you. I um. I think I can see the headline now. GIRL WALKS OFF INTO WOODS WITH STRANGER. My dad warned me of that." He shows me his school badge, and I tell him that he could fake that and laugh. I've already verified that the guy is alright. I asked him if he knew your sister. And he did. So I sold y'all like I was selling a Porsche, and you're not a car and you don't need selling by me.

Anyone can see.

Objectively I met you once. We talked on the phone once to schedule the interview. I can't count the texts because I will go all subjective on it. Like we love ideas. We love music. We love people, children, our families. We are attracted to focused and driven, and we love a place, a space that we can call home.

It is sad to say, "Come home," and know that I'm not home to you.

But still, today I am grateful for whatever wherever this is.

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