Sunday, January 24, 2021

lemons to absurdity

I'm still saying my best investment has to be agriculture and nutrition and education and getting outdoors and then returning home to make a pie to say thank you to that guy, that man. Instant gratification, I think. My six bucks, two of them in quarters, is going on the lemons.

Did I just try to make an argument against the lottery by using agriculture, nutrition, education and getting outdoors? Why? I think I just like it when you type but I don't want to fight so why would I do that? Good luck, you. I hope you win a zillion but I also hope even with all that money you come back here because I would miss you if you left.


Anonymous said...

Hadn't bought any beer since November even though I wanted it. Was gonna buy some this week but they didn't have the flavor I wanted so loto it was. I saw one of the school's principals buying a 12 pack and tickets, thought to myself what a cool dude. As far as a fight, only if we could make up before it got out of hand. While I'm at it, no amount of money could keep me away. Guess you stuck with me, as long as you want me.

Anonymous said...

Waylon's good, Jamie gives me chills.

Anonymous said...