Thursday, January 7, 2021

don't look now but you're surrounded by a bunch of little women

Your grammie showed your sisters and cousins how to throw a party. You know. She throws you one every year and there's Josh's favorite but you love it too like the rest of us. So, it's okay that it's your uncle's favorite. It's your birthday. This is your 18th. Well, next week but we had to throw it last night because we have you and it was the only night we could all be there together. Except...

Where in the world of that photo of faces is your sister? Where was she when we took the picture?

It's a mystery.

Today I am grateful for the connection you give us, for that one photo and how the video will need to remain in the vault of never sing again, aunt me. I am grateful for what you teach us and how that baby sister of yours wants to take you when she goes. I am grateful for the opportunity to watch you and pop fight and swim and how you love them and us and how we love you and them.

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