Friday, July 9, 2021

some days

 The internet suggests I apply lemon juice to my skin in order to get rid of the chiggers, but it also says that it is not good to put lemon juice on my skin.

Today I am grateful for forgiveness and anyone with some purple dual film they're willing to share.


Anonymous said...

Dang girl, I would love to help you get them bugs off.

Shea Goff said...

Yeahyeahyeah. Clear fingernail polish, right? But the purple dual film is the important stuff. Where is that?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, ain't got no important stuff. Whatever purple dual film is, if I had it you sho could have it. Fingernail polish does work.

Shea Goff said...

I'll figure out the purple dual film because it has to exist. I saw it before I wasted it and have one sheet left and there has to be more - somewhere. I shouldn't have wasted it. Looking back now - it was a careless, stupid mistake. I hate when I do that. I now solemnly swear to stop it with the careless, stupid mistake mess. Thank you for your kind witness to all that.

Anonymous said...

Dang, that's a lot of remorse for a piece of film. I suggest lightening up on yoself a bit. My mistakes don't bother me as much as they used to. If that helps. Now I gotta google purple dual film. O, hope them chiggers finish doing their thang soon.

Shea Goff said...

Google is no help. It told me to put lemon juice on my skin and then suggested that lemon juice is bad for my skin. It'll be okay, and you're correct - in the whole scheme of things - it's not that big but it was me letting people down - people who trusted me to get the job done.

(I saw it but dismissed it and didn't stop anyone to ask what they thought. Ask, me.)

I have a plan for the chiggers today. Fingernail polish and a saltwater swim.

I don't think I've said it lately - thank you for being here.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me come here. P.S. all I had one time was pink polish, at least that's all I had close to flesh tone. So yeah I did it.