Monday, February 8, 2021

I'm telling

 "Ohhhhh, losing everyone's respect. Losing the respect of the people you know and the people you don't. It's a shitty feeling. Trust me."

First season of the four grueling seasons described by two respected movie critics as "it only gets darker."

"In hindsight, maybe I shouldn't have suggested it," you now say.

I hate that I watch Mr. Robot to be able to type some of that writer's words. Dang.

Today I am grateful for writers, typists, producers, creators, keyboard engineers and a seven year old kid who helped me create my cover letter and resume. No, it wasn't on file. I was ill prepared. Daddy and I discussed that. He is correct.


Anonymous said...

Resume? You leaving us?

Anonymous said...

Shea Goff said...

Yes. I left Friday in a small scene but it felt so big inside. Begged people to tell me why we're not using science. And when I texted my boss I realized the problem was me. The thing I love about us is we said thank you to each other. And I had another job that night. And a big one (takes care of COBRA) Saturday. Sunday was an afternoon continuation of Friday evening. Yesterday was half a day for him, half for me (a Daddy order).

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, you will be missed. Greatly. Hope I didn't pry, to much.

Anonymous said...

So, I misspelled my adverb. I was distracted by doin what I love.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear the scandalous rumors.