Thursday, February 25, 2021

82 degrees and rain this weekend


I have to give myself something today. Gift myself with a goal and a plan because Goggins is about a push  physically and mentally. I woke up today to a muscle seizing and screaming for me to get out of bed and drink water. I'm giving myself water today. And 16 miles, four at a time.

Today I am grateful for a push, a call from the kid and a house party with dancing. 


Anonymous said...

Nice moon, gonna hate it about 2am.

Shea Goff said...

Yep. That is a huge part of the Goggins challenge. You're gonna hate it. I'm just wondering about that 12th leg. What will my feet feel like then? 48 miles in two days, where will that hurt be? I'm banking on a decent recovery time.