Friday, February 19, 2021

I don't know, in response

 I'm not in on the secret. I have very little idea of what occupying my future may hold other than the baker, plumber, contractor, smashed potato fixing, double birthday party throwing love and avoidance of so much that is important to my health until this David Goggins thing. It's like you said, "It's just interesting enough to sound doable but I need to make sure it's almost not."

David Goggins was a name both my brother and Lex Fridman brought up. Then there were the Reddit comments and Goggins' twitter feed. The videos.

It's just what am I going to do. He runs, but last year Fridman threw in a martial arts training session for one of the runs. My first thought is that I want to mix my 4x4x48 up. Goggins has me planning forty-eight hours of my life fifteen days ahead of being panicked about a career, a calling, a you may be shooting a little lofty there, self. Calm the hell down and work. I can just hear Goggins in my ear.

Step 1. Draw up a plan with goals. Work around that plan. Training must include exercise intervals.  Today double yesterday by doing what you did twice, four hours apart. Get a watch, me.

I did half of what I should have done yesterday and I have a million excuses today but Goggins would not hear of it. That guy is serious. 

"Your why?" He asks and immediately answers, "Your why is lazy."

Today I am grateful for little jobs and big ones.


Anonymous said...

I miss the waves, it was just one or two fingers most of the time. Funny how the little things add up.

Anonymous said...

To cold for the fire barrel so I been sitting in the dark listening to dirty Mexican rap.

Shea Goff said...

There you go again and here's my wave. Thank you for the beautiful music. I've been listening to classic Jack Johnson and weren't you the one who turned me onto Tyler Childers?

Anonymous said...

Probably so, I do love the pain in his voice. Beautiful sun rise this morning, hope you're looking. Thanks for the wave, love it.