Sunday, July 14, 2019

yoga teacher

When you meet a teacher once you're all grown up and classes are more if you choose them and less what you're told to do, the meeting is the best part. She is standing in the room in a t-shirt, black leggings, barefooted. I try to be skeptical but some people just disarm you and in the next hour she talks me and the rest of the room through a series of pull and push and stretch and put your shoulders back and feel that and I walk up to her after class and say, "I love you."

She hugged me.

I love her.

I told her that I might need to get a second and third job to pay for my yoga addiction.

She said, "That's why I teach."

Today I am grateful for a ride, a class, tomato sandwiches, laughter coming from my dining room, and you.


Anonymous said...

Shea Goff said...

Anonymous said...

If I could dance, I would dance like that.