Sunday, July 28, 2019

cleaning after a luxurious vacation

The contrast between the sun and the shade deepens and the remaining insects are racing. At 3:52 I walk outside for the first time of the day. A quick sit, a couple of racing bugs around my head, and I've returned to the living and am now telling myself I'm too sick for this. But I gotta clean because I've been quarantined. I can't leave the petri dish like this on Monday morning. It's time for Clorox around here.

I do think that closing the door and not opening it again for 24 hours may be a good thing for people.

Today I am grateful for health, for an imperfect but perfect just the same body which carries me. I am grateful for the story of him and that cat, how we can escape everybody and everything but we'll always find something needing us somewhere.

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