Saturday, February 9, 2019

science Saturday

She almost got me thrown in jail and it was my fault. There's just something about sunshine on a Saturday to a girl who needs her Vitamin D and has to deal with movie stars and learn about horse poop, roots, ants, and sugar ants. At one point she had three walking sticks and still only two hands.

When the sun is shining you gotta make plans to ride with the windows down and the sunroof open. Play the theme song to her sister's season and make sure she hasn't climbed out of her seatbelt and has her head hanging out the window. 'Cause at that point you could get stopped and the guy who stops you may have to be like me and try to hold back the laughter when those kids are guilty. Her hair all wild on her head looking up at him with a left sided glance. We got off with a warning but she'll probably look back on that day as an obvious set up.

Today I am grateful for the sun, 57 degrees, and a bunch of wild kids.

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