Thursday, October 15, 2020


 There would have to be moments in the 36 kid scenario - which I guess if one woman subjected her body to creating a human every year for 36 years and still lived through it, Mount Everest would be nothing - when you hide around a tree, in the bathroom, in the deer stand, everywhere just so you can calculate what the groceries would cost each week. What would the refrigeration run you? What is the cost for all that love? I love my one. It's why I borrow kids from other people. You don't have to feed them.

And in response, what I can tell you is that there have been moments over all these years when my mama says my name in the way I know she means business and our eyes meet before she states, "Balance." Balance is hard for me, too, but I'm coping and you certainly help. Thank you for being here. 

Today I am grateful for coffee.


Anonymous said...

Glad to be help and not a hindrance, last thing I would ever want, would to be an imbalance. I love mine also, probably the only thing that keeps me away from the edge. Always wanted a house full, just didn't work out.

Anonymous said...

Yo mama read this blog?