Thursday, October 15, 2020

girls night, aka borrowing someone's kids

 We assume the position of two in one chair with our legs and feet stretched out on a gigantic ottoman. If ever there was a perfect Wednesday night, this is it.

Today I am grateful for Moana and the girls who recommended her to me.

In response, Junior Kimbrough, as best I could tell, may have had the most perfect brilliant tension in a string and a note. There is at least one evening every spring and every fall that when you open the back door his voice and his guitar will cause those tiny hairs on the back of your neck to you know. Your shoulders go back. You listen. I think he had 36 kids.

You know soulful, sultry music. I'm saying Kimbrough on the threshold between house and porch in the fall under lights is number one all time movie making music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

36 kids? What a damn adventure that would be.