Saturday, September 19, 2020

putting on a sweater to walk and your song

 He was both the most horrifying and most hilarious man in one moment at that away game sunken field. It was the first time that I saw him coach - then I told him, "We need some underground tapes of you at these games."

"Why do you say that?" he smiled while he asked. He knew.

"Because you are both the most horrifying and most hilarious man at the same time."

We laughed. This week we kind of made those tapes. It was incredibly self indulgent.

And there was that email when out of nowhere, had an inkling of nothing, I read, "I wrote something. I want you to see it."

And her. And him. And our walk together.

And those temperatures, and have you heard about Monday and Tuesday? It's going to be in the fifties those evenings. So much to be grateful for.

I am.


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