Thursday, November 28, 2019

Hayduke Trail

"All it takes is a tiny little patch of shade, but it makes a pretty good break spot. A lot of what the wilderness teaches us - it kinda just comes down to being aware of our own thoughts and having a little bit of control over them. Humans are very habitual creatures and we develop patterns in order to save work but since there is so much variability in the wilderness it forces us to approach each task as it's own problem. At first it might be kind of overwhelming and very mentally draining to confront each problem individually instead of running a predetermined pattern of behavior but over time that approach itself becomes a pattern and then it becomes automatic, and this approach can deal with a variety of problems. It takes a lot more information into account and I think it produces better outcomes."
Money Shot, or Alex Maier


Anonymous said...

I would suffer if I had to walk to the mail box.

Shea Goff said...

You don't even have to walk to the door.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I do, ain't it a pity.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe they "pissed" it away, or maybe I can. Couldn't have happened to a better group of folks.

Shea Goff said...

It'll be extra nice to see a couple of coworkers Monday. Won't even have to say a word. A smile should do it.

Anonymous said...

Hope you got some Tide fans, smile at them too.