Tuesday, November 19, 2019

a day we sing

It will be a message, a voicemail, and I will sing the song as no other has ever sung that song because at least five times a year I try to top the last performance.

So here goes, baby.

Happy Birthday to you.
Happy, happy birthday to you, you, you.
That's right. YOU.
From the woman who took your $15 and didn't even send you a card.


Seriously. It's coming. Maybe.

Happy Birthday to you.

Today I am grateful for someone who has put up with me for 28 years. Others have done longer time but only few have been exposed to the harsh reality of me breaking down on the trail and even sometimes in life and then quietly watching and many times helping pick me up off the ground. He should never have had to, but you can never say thank you enough for a guy like that. Or I can't.

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