Saturday, April 13, 2019

kindness on Friday

It's just a thing this thing of kindness on Friday. You've lost kindness. Kindness is lost to you.
You end up grappling for a time and place where you're not trying to tell somebody something in a world of where do I end and you begin and how many ways can be up and down and I got beat up this week (thankfully metaphorically speaking). Anyway, as usual I came out fighting about an issue of telemarketing.


We all have issues. It's like I'm ready to put my foot down on selling through a system which should be utilized minimally. Right? You don't know. I just think so.

Only hours before he and I sat and talked. Him in some existential, what is human in the form of looking at people as meat and does a soul exist, last night's podcast crisis.

He asked me.

I said, "Yes."

"I used to think so."

"I know," I nod my head in agreement. Everyone wrestles with that one.

Anyway. The room's light may not have actually increased in whatever wattage needed, but he did smile when I told him the story of that dog and Sipsey and real is when your phone stops working and there's nothing left but what's right in front of you.

It's where your love is. It's where you find your kindness on Friday.

Today I am grateful for a conversation we both needed.


Anonymous said...

Hey, unknown whatcha listening to? Me, thunder and rain. Love it.

Unknown said...

I'm jealous but happy for you. Gotta clean house. I'll start with

Unless you have another suggestion.

Anonymous said...

Awesome bass, love the brass. Run this across them ear bones.

Unknown said...

Dang. Thanks for the share.