Monday, April 29, 2019


He's being led and leading and taking his whole family with him.
Mama said, "There wasn't a dry eye in the room."

I've been thinking about being led lately.

Tonight I call a friend. "Have you ever been led to do something?"

"Yes," he says.

"You have to be careful with that, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it ego that turns being led good into being led bad? Sometimes people do bad things because they feel like they were led and doesn't feeling like you are being chosen for something an ego thing and don't we have to watch our egos?"

"So what's going on?"

Today I am grateful for a shiny bathroom, Sprite, and a conversation with him.


Anonymous said...

Do it.

Shea Goff said...


Anonymous said...

It gonna be a secret?

Shea Goff said...

It's really nothing. Just needing to hear someone else say what I was thinking. Not even worth a secret.

Anonymous said...

Aight, I just know you're capable of great things. Curiosity kills the cat, they say. Never seen it happen, have seen dogs, Hawks and cars get em though. Guess I'm coloring outside the lines, peace out.

Shea Goff said...

You're good. I was questioning my value and wondering if for the betterment of many I destroy myself. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Very ego, center of the universe thinking. My mother says, "You have to have balance." Many times I can be a tsunami when all I really want to do is float around in the wave pool. Try to stay at the constant beat of the gulf onto the Florida shore.

Didn't that sound dramatic? I have to watch myself. Thank you for reading. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Love they way you put all those letters together so that it sounds so cool when I read it. Dramatic, naw. Beautiful, absolutely.

Anonymous said...

I've read it 3 more times, we need to talk about the first sentence some more. My curiosity is back, I have to admit I'm a little confused.

Shea Goff said...

"He's being led and leading and taking his whole family with him."
That sentence? That sentence is a true story about a preacher I know.

Anonymous said...

Naw, the one with " destroy myself" in it.

Shea Goff said...

Hm. Makes sense that it is confusing. It's harsh. It means to walk away from love.
Do I not have faith that love will always be no matter what?
We can get deep here, but I think that's when I usually play music.

Anonymous said...

Whew, thought you mighta been gonna jump off a bridge or something. Guess I'm dramatic.

Shea Goff said...

Dang. No. Sorry. I have talked openly about the topic of suicide with friends and family and I'm sorry that this blog can sometimes look like a cry for help, but it's just stupid real and I try not to take myself too seriously. I just want to say a public thank you everyday because at one point I got too close to death or I don't know why. It makes very little sense and so does "destroy myself". I should think about how what I say and do affects others. Note to self #672,581,372.