Wednesday, June 6, 2018

today wasn't so scary

It was a mess of ground beef, shredded cheese, sliced tomatoes, chopped chilis, jalapenos, and sour cream piled on top of a crisp biscuit. She cooked to music, and I took notes and photos and yes, the photographer does get to eat her work. I didn't make it to the pool, but he approved the article and we giggled like children. Though maybe nothing will ever totally remove that sinking feeling, it could be that it's there to remind us of how good it is to just be here. now.

Today I am grateful for the story of John Wayne's casserole, a new bathing suit, hugs, and a growing assurance that it's okay to just be.

(don't get too confident, crazy.)

He says, "You saw that one thing that one time."

"That's where you're wrong."

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