Monday, May 21, 2018

day one of life lessons from hiking

Day one was push, feel the sweat, watch for snakes, dang horseflies, look ahead to the shade.

And this.

Should you personally write? I'm so trapped I don't even know what else I could do.
And didn't Seth once write about how you can't save it, but then you can't be that personal with everyone all at once so you begin to look at what's right in front of you.

I think you can rationalize anything, but I tend to disagree with Seth on this point. He's already beat me at the debate because I'm trapped (in push, feel the sweat, watch for snakes, dang horseflies, look ahead to the shade). And what if this is all you ever wanted? Wouldn't that be a good thing?

Today I am grateful for the trap and the soreness that tears at my hips but at least my feet are still here. It's a good life, but the fried pies weren't so great.

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