Thursday, March 25, 2021

season 4, episode 11


"What's the worst thing about your life right now?" Tyrell asks Elliot.

"...If I'm being honest, the worst thing in my life is also the best thing. I get up every morning; I play my records; I get ready, get my coffee; I come to work. I'm stuck in a repetitive, boring routine that feels endless and sure I have imagined what it would be like to be someone with a more exciting life. A risk taker, someone more interesting, but in the end I know I am lucky to be where I am."

Dang. I thought that was the end. I wanted that to be the end of Mr. Robot.

Shout out to Grace Gummer and Joey Bada$$ and everyone who took part in the creation of a grueling, heartbreaking, phenomenal series of why I stick with it.

Today I am grateful for a safe drive home, for the guy who repaired my shower while I was at work, a rolling thunder and music.


Anonymous said...

Dang girl I got some shower skills, just sayin.

Shea Goff said...


Anonymous said...