Wednesday, June 12, 2019

yoga to frozen, it was her daddy's fault

The turning point of the evening is always much clearer the next morning when we all look back in shame at how we, or maybe just me, slammed that door in that baby's face.

butIthought that the man who was holding that snake was going to throw it on me.
And that's the truth.

The turning point was when I saw the snake. On my way to the car, finished with a beautiful evening of yoga with kids and food in my hand. How could I ever want for more? Magosh, people.
I could have easily with possibly only a whimper stepped over that snake, got in my car and driven home.

End of evening.

but there's something wrong with me. I didn't even think before I screamed, burst at least seven blood vessels in my brain, turned around, and began to run as if I was being chased by a man who wanted to throw a snake on me because he did.

He will admit to it.

But she will always hold the slamming of the door against me,
and I will have to live with that shame
while begging her forgiveness.

I am in debt to children.

Today I am grateful for a pool in a cool evening.
And a story to write about a kid, a coach, a young man, an older one, a trip, a trail, the dang beach.


Anonymous said...

Shea Goff said...

This music makes me want to pull you in close and give you a tight hug.

Anonymous said...

Do it, I would probably faint. Then you could laff n laff.

Anonymous said...

Shea Goff said...

Never heard of them before. Reminds me of the Black Keys.